
Remove the directory pointed to by CUNO_ROOT. Refer to Install locations for more information.

User-local uninstallation#

Remove the following additional files:


System-wide uninstallation#

Remove the following additional files:


User-specific settings#

User-specific configuration is stored in ~/.config/cuno. Remove this directory to remove all user-specific settings.


Remove any customisations made to shell initialisation scripts such as ~/.bashrc, ~/.profile, .zshrc, /etc/profile.d, etc.

Please also remember to remove any customizations you might have made to your shell’s runtime initialization command scripts, .bashrc, etc.

Package manager uninstallation#

Use the commands in the following sections to uninstall cunoFS for specific Linux distributions.

Debian derivatives (e.g. Ubuntu)#

sudo apt-get remove cuno\*

RedHat derivatives (e.g. CentOS)#

sudo yum remove cuno\*

Alpine Linux derivatives#

sudo apk del cuno