
Getting S3 credentials using the AWS console#

  1. Visit

  2. Navigate to Services > IAM

  3. Open Users and click on the Add user button

    1. Set a username

    2. Select the Programmatic access option

    3. Click on Next

  4. In the Set Permissions page select Attach existing policies directly

    1. Select an existing policy, e.g., AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess or AmazonS3FullAccess

    2. or Create a new policy that has the s3:ListAllMyBuckets permission and at least the s3:ListBucket and s3:GetObject permissions for each bucket available to the user

    3. Click on Next

  5. Review and confirm to create the new user

  6. Download the CSV file by pressing the corresponding button

  7. Use the Access key ID and Secret Access key as described in Import credentials

Getting Azure credentials using Azure portal#

  1. Visit

  2. From services, select Storage Accounts

  3. Click on the Storage Account you want the key for

  4. In the Security + networking section click Access keys

  5. Click on the Show keys button

  6. Use the Storage account name and Key as described in Azure Storage using environment variables

Getting Google Cloud credentials using the console#

  1. Visit

  2. Go to the Service Accounts page

  3. Select the project you want to provide access to

  4. Click the email address of the service account that you want to create a key for

  5. Click the Keys tab

  6. Click the Add key drop-down menu, then select Create new key

  7. Select JSON as the Key type and click Create

  8. Use the downloaded JSON file as described in Google Cloud Storage using environment variable