cunoFS Machine Learning Accelerator#

The cunoFS Machine Learning Accelerator (cunoFS MLA) is a software library that accelerates your existing machine learning models by advanced leveraging of our data retrieval and storage technology.

It is available for our Professional and Enterprise customers.


Python 3.7+ is required to use the cunoFS Machine Learning Accelerator (cunoFS MLA). If you require lower versions of Python 3, please contact us at

Supported functions#

The cunoFS MLA has been tested with the following data loading functions:

  • open

  • numpy.loadfile

  • numpy.load

  • numpy.loadtxt


  • torchaudio.load

It may also work with additional data loading functions, and support is available at if you need assistance to enable additional functions.


First, you must install the MLA dependencies in your environment. You can use pip to do so:

pip install -r "<path to cunoFS MLA>/requirements.txt"

You must also set the following environment variables to enable the cunoFS Machine Learning capability:



In this example, Python will load the cunoFS MLA’s first. The CUNO_SPEEDUP_PYTHON environment variable will signal the cunoFS MLA to enable our ML optimizations.

Next, you can use any of the standard ways to enable cunoFS, including Direct Interception and cunoFS Mount.

Using cunoFS Direct Interception#

To enable the cunoFS Direct Interception you can launch a new shell with cunoFS enabled as usual with cuno.

If this is not an option, you can use cuno run to enable cunoFS for a single command. You can also set the LD_PRELOAD environment variable directly, like LD_PRELOAD=<path to your cunoFS installation>/lib/

Example usage#

Activating a shell with cunoFS as an example:

$ export PYTHONPATH="<path to the cunoFS MLA>${PYTHONPATH+:$PYTHONPATH}"
$ cuno
(cuno) $ python3 demo/

Using cunoFS Mount#

To use cunoFS Mount with your object storage data, you will need to configure your Python scripts to look for data inside the mount.

Example usage#

Mounting an S3 bucket named dataset_bucket at the location $HOME/cloudmount as an example:

export PYTHONPATH="<path to the cunoFS MLA>/dataset_preload2${PYTHONPATH+:$PYTHONPATH}"
cuno mount --root s3://dataset_bucket "$HOME/cloudmount"
python3 dataset_preload2/demo/ --location "$HOME/cloudmount/training_set_1"